qualified domestic relations order

Your Money. Your Terms – How to Avoid Paying the 10% Penalty on Retirement Savings Withdrawals – Part 1 QDRO

Avoid Paying the 10% Penalty on Retirement Savings Withdrawals with a Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO). Applies to IRAs and tax reporting.

Sep 27, 2016

Using a QDRO to Withdraw Retirement Savings without a 10% Penalty There are numerous exceptions to the 10% penalty on retirement savings. In this series, we will help educate consumers on...

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Court House

Team Leader Profile – Stephen S. Hand

Meet BPAS Team Leader Stephen S. Hand who talks about collective investment funds and opportunity in Texas.

Ago 30, 2016

President, Hand Benefits & Trust, a BPAS Company At BPAS our team leaders play a crucial role in shaping the present and future of our company. But beyond their titles and...

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