Financial Wellness

New Book on Financial Wellness Provides Practical Solutions from Industry Thought Leaders

Learn more about Mark Singer's newest book, “The New Financial Wellness, Changing the Conversation” and the latest insights from industry thought leaders.

Dic 07, 2015

New Book on Financial Wellness Provides Practical Solutions from Industry Thought Leaders

Mark Singer, CFP®, AIF®, recently released his newest book, “The New Financial Wellness, Changing the Conversation.” Mark’s unique perspective on how to effectively address adverse financial issues and mediocre retirement participation in the workplace led him to gather industry luminaries and profile their expertise. His 25+ years in retirement planning, along with the collaboration of six industry thought leaders and pioneers, offer insights on how best to take advantage of the rapidly changing needs in both the retirement plan and financial wellness arenas.

The book profiles the views of retirement and wellness experts such as Barry Kublin, Ron Bush, Kristie Howard, Mike Montgomery, Charlie Epstein and Bob Benish. These experts provide practical solutions to help plan providers, plan sponsors and advisors make education programs more effective. According to Singer, “It is time to engage as an industry in thoughtful conversations about financial wellness.”

Barry Kublin, CEO of Benefits Plans Administrative Services, Inc. (BPAS) noted,

”Just as corporate America has, by necessity, accepted basic skills training responsibility, which otherwise should have been learned through the formal education systems, so must corporate America accept more responsibility for basic financial literacy. We have both savings and spending problems in the U.S. that are contributing to retirement inadequacy.”

Singer went on to explain that, “Overall financial wellness for employees should be a part of every employer’s plan health scorecard…companies need to ask themselves: have they provided the tools necessary for employees to overcome financial barriers and stressors in the workplace? It’s a national crisis, and without addressing financial wellness, we will struggle with helping Americans to save for their retirement.”

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The New Financial Wellness, Changing the Conversation is being offered free to the first 25 people who mention this blog article. Contact Mark today to get your free copy.

This book is also available on Amazon. Buy Now!

To learn more about Mark Singer and how he assists firms in achieving their employee wellness goals, or for the new book, contact his firm, Financial Literacy Toolbox.