Healthcare Alert! Transitional Reinsurance Program Submission Form Available

On Friday, October 24th the ACA Transitional Reinsurance Program Annual Enrollment and Contributions Submission Form became available on

Oct 27, 2014

BPAS-10-27-14-Healthcare form

On Friday, October 24th the ACA Transitional Reinsurance Program Annual Enrollment and Contributions Submission Form became available on 

The Transitional Reinsurance Program is a 3 year program which is funded by a per covered member fee paid by most* group health plans to the federal government. The fee does not apply to Medicare-eligible members where Medicare is primary for Major Medical coverage.  The payments and timing have been finalized for 2014 and 2015:

Calendar Year Total Amount Timing of Payments**
2014 $63 $52.50 Due January 2015, and $10.50 due last quarter of 2015
2015 $44 $33.00 Due January 2016, and $11.00 due last quarter of 2016

*Does not apply to self-insured plans that self administer claims (plans where there is no third-party administrator) for 2015 and 2016.

**Employers may elect to pay the entire payment by January 2015.

Please follow the above link and instructions to submit your annual enrollment count by November 15th.

As a reminder, there are 4 methods for self-insured group health plans to calculate their enrollment as detailed in the CMS publication issued in July.