The HB&T and BPAS advantage

hand-benifits-logoHand Benefits & Trust, and BPAS are leaders in collective trust administration with a combined $118.8 billion in assets under management and over 450 collective investment funds, partnering with more than 90 investment management firms, valued daily and traded through the National Securities Clearing Corporation’s (NSCC)/DTCC Platform. HB&T specializes in partnering with investment management firms to grow their retirement plan/401(k) business.

Key Features

  • Collective Investment Fund Trustee Services
  • Collective Investment Fund Administration Services
  • Collective Investment Fund Transfer Agency Services

Designed For

Collective Investment Funds are for the exclusive use of qualified retirement plans. The concept is to lower costs and achieve economies of scale by combining the assets of many qualified retirement plans, while avoiding the high transaction costs created by retail investors. These group trusts are grouped together into a master trust account under the control of HB&T, which acts as trustee, administrator, and transfer agent.

Additional Reading

Hand Benefits & Trust has been providing employee benefit trust services since 1963 and has been administering pooled Collective Investment Funds since 1964. Most all of HB&T’s Collective Investment Funds are sub-advised by outside Registered Investment Advisors who are responsible for the distribution of these investment vehicles within the qualified plan marketplace.

Hand Benefits & Trust established the Hand Composite Employee Benefit Trust on May 1, 1964. It provided a trust in which the assets of employee benefit plans—qualified under Section 401(a), 414(d), or 403(b)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code—could be commingled, pursuant to the Composite Trust, for purposes of broad investment diversification.

Collective funds offer a variety of advantages for plan participants, plan sponsors, and retirement service providers. These include:

  • Low expense ratios and transparent pricing
  • Flexibility in fund holdings
  • Transparency in fund holdings
  • Simplified tracking

Visit our Hand Benefits & Trust Collective Investment Trust microsite for more details.

Hand Benefits & Trust now has NASDAQ fund tickers, view them here.

Want to Learn More?

For questions about your account, please call Participant Services at 1-866-401-5272.

Sales & Marketing:

Stephen Hand | 713-744-3826 |

Gregg Zimmerman | 713-744-3801 |

Fund Operations & Compliance:

Kathy Harvey | 713-744-3839 |

For more information regarding our Collective Investment Fund offerings, click here.

For more information regarding our Common Investment Funds available to non-ERISA accredited investors, click here.