Retirement Through the Years

My great aunt recently turned 103 years old.  From walking to school to watching walks on the moon, from a chicken in every pot to a smart phone in every hand, she’s certainly seen a lot!  When we look at retirement through her eyes, that has certainly changed too.

Jun 10, 2019

My great aunt recently turned 103 years old.  From walking to school to watching walks on the moon, from a chicken in every pot to a smart phone in every hand,...

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Mashed Potato Pricing

Mashed-Potato Pricing in DC Plans: How to Reclaim the Upper Hand

The goal of a fiduciary process is not to offer the cheapest fees, but rather determine what services the plan needs, then find the best quality of services at reasonable, competitive fees—driving value for the plan. We’ve allowed the selection of retirement plan service providers to slip into “mashed potato pricing”.

May 22, 2019

Creative practices by providers in how they bid retirement plans are great. But, how much additional liability do they create for plan sponsors? Let’s say you want to add a spare...

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2019 BPAS Partner Conference

In the Spotlight With Nancy Melcher

As President and CEO (Chief Engagement Officer) of MOR Strategy Partners, Nancy brings invaluable experience and outside-of-the-box thinking about the art and science of optimizing engagement with employer and employee audiences alike.

May 20, 2019

With the 6th Annual BPAS Partner Conference just around the corner, we’re shining the spotlight on one of our new speakers—Nancy Melcher. As President and CEO (Chief Engagement Officer) of MOR...

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Retirement Readiness

Retirement Readiness: Preparing for Our Retirement Dream

How far out from retirement you are can have a big impact on your retirement readiness and what steps you can take to try to right the ship if you will.  While there is no one quick fix or simple solution to preparing for a successful retirement here are a few tips to help along the way.

May 14, 2019

Many of us struggle with our retirement planning.  Am I saving enough? How should I be invested? How much will I need in retirement?  Or, perhaps you fall into the camp...

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How is a VEBA funded?

How is a VEBA Funded?

VEBA HRAs are valuable, fully tax-sheltered vehicles through which employees can be reimbursed for eligible medical expenses.  Although VEBAs are typically funded by Employer Contributions, there are other ways that monies can move into the VEBA.

Apr 24, 2019

VEBA HRAs are valuable, fully tax-sheltered vehicles through which employees can be reimbursed for eligible medical expenses.  Although VEBAs are typically funded by Employer Contributions, there are other ways that monies...

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What My Dog Can Teach You About Compounding

If you’re saving for retirement with each pay, it might not seem like it will amount to much.  But, keep filling your account up, give it some time to compound and when you turn the corner, maybe you too might end up with a birdbath full of retirement assets!

Apr 11, 2019

When my dog was just a puppy, I spent a rainy afternoon training him on commands.  It was around Easter, so to keep his interest, he’d sit while I filled 3*...

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Health Savings Accounts: a Great Fit for Millennials

Employers, are your millennial employees prepared for the high costs of health care once they retire? Here’s how offering a Health Savings Account (HSA) as part of your benefits package now can help your employees be better prepared for these high costs later in life.

Mar 26, 2019

Employers, are your millennial employees prepared for the high costs of health care once they retire? Here’s how offering a Health Savings Account (HSA) as part of your benefits package now...

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Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) – Not Just For the Large Plan Market!

Use of Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) continues to come down market as even small and mid-sized 401(k) plan sponsors are now demanding access to the vehicle as a lower cost alternative to a mutual fund.

Mar 07, 2019

Use of Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) continues to come down market as even small and mid-sized 401(k) plan sponsors are now demanding access to the vehicle as a lower cost alternative...

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Disclosure & Reasonableness of Actuarial Assumptions

Disclosure & Reasonableness of Actuarial Assumptions in DB and CB Plans

Actuarial equivalent means that the present value of the total amounts expected to be received under two different forms of payment are equal, based on mortality and interest assumptions specified under the pension plan.a plan is permitted to use alternative actuarial assumptions as long as they are reasonable.

Feb 19, 2019

A number of class-action lawsuits are currently testing actuarial equivalents in pension plans. This important issue may be resolved in the circuit courts or go all the way up to the...

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market volatility and risk tolerance

Risk Tolerance and Reaction to Past Market Volatility

In the markets, we had a negative 2018 but started off with strong January 2019 performance.  Frankly, I’m a little disappointed about the 2008 data dropping off the fact sheets. Why am I sad to see those numbers go away?  Because, I like to use them to gauge a participant’s ability to tolerate risk. 

Feb 11, 2019

Even a groundhog can’t predict the future It’s February 2019.  Most of us have probably broken or revised our New Year’s resolutions by now.  After a few brutally cold days, the...

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