Retirement Plan News July-August Edition

Retirement distribution advice July-August edition

Aug 10, 2015

It is common practice for financial services firms to contact 401(k) participants who are nearing retirement to discuss rolling over their 401(k) nest egg into an individual retirement account (IRA). Several...

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PBGC Announces Proposed Rules on 4010 Filing

Read more about the new rules and regulations on 4010 Filing.

Jul 28, 2015

Yesterday, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation issued Proposed Regulations which would seek to amend the PBGC 4010 filing requirements for potentially distressed single-employer plans. These new regulations would amend the current...

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Penalty Relief Program for Late Filing of Form 5500-EZ

Form 5500-EZ returns are used only by plan administrators and plan sponsors of retirement plans that are not subject to the reporting requirements of Title I of ERISA and hence are used to satisfy only the reporting requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.

Jun 16, 2015

Form 5500-EZ returns are used only by plan administrators and plan sponsors of retirement plans that are not subject to the reporting requirements of Title I of ERISA and hence are...

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So, How Are We Doing?

We want to know how you think we’re doing with our Blog. Check out the survey at the bottom of the post.

May 18, 2015

For a little over a year, the BPAS Blog has attempted to provide timely, factual and relevant content to our readers, often written with a hint of humor. We want to...

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BPAS Announces Corporate Promotions

BPAS promotes key executives within its defined contribution services division.

May 15, 2015

  Utica, NY – May 1, 2015 – BPAS, a national provider of retirement services headquartered in Utica, NY announced today the promotion of two key executives within its defined contribution...

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Employees for Financial Success

Setting Up Your Employees for Financial Success

Learn about the most effective retirement automatic enrollment designs for your employees and three common mistakes to avoid.

May 11, 2015

I want you to imagine you’re starting a fitness or weight loss program. However, on this program, you have your own full-time personal trainer, nutritionist, chef, wellness coach, housekeeper, baby sitter,...

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