
Texas-based External Wholesaler Joins BPAS

BPAS is excited to announce that Joe Long has joined the team as a Texas-based external wholesaler.

Mar 27, 2018

BPAS is happy to announce that Joe Long has joined the team as a Texas-based external wholesaler. Long is replacing Kay McManus and will market BPAS retirement plan services in partnership...

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market fluctuations

Market Fluctuations

Here are some thoughts to consider when reviewing your investments during a market downturn.

Feb 13, 2018

I was driving for about a year when I received my first speeding ticket. Do-gooder that I am, I was a bit dramatic about it, especially as I explained it to...

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New Year / New Education Strategy

If you are looking to enhance your education strategies consider addressing some of the topics in this post.

Jan 23, 2018

Most retirement plan advisors who are responsible for employee education are experts in conducting enrollment meetings and answering questions related to establishing accounts, explaining the benefits of pre-tax deferral, etc. But...

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BPAS Transaction Tips

When talking to participants, I often receive questions about transactions. Here are some of those questions to help you in completing transactions.

Jan 16, 2018

When talking to participants, I often receive questions about transactions. I’ve compiled some of those questions into this post to help you in completing transactions. How do I make trades in...

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Infographic: Understanding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

Check out this infographic to find out everything you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

Jan 09, 2018

Enrolled in a High-Deductible Health Plan? Good news! With a Health Savings Account (HSA), you can save money tax free for eligible healthcare expenses. In the infographic below, we tell you...

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Defined Benefit Plan Administration Outsourcing

Plans are becoming more complex as new laws take effect, and many companies just don't have the resources on staff to easily manage their pension plans.

Jan 02, 2018

More and more employers are outsourcing the administration of their Defined Benefit Pension Plans. Defined Benefit Plan Administration has a different meaning to different people. Benefit calculation and certifications; plan sponsor...

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