Category Archives: Retirement Planning

Retirement Myths: BUSTED

There are many common beliefs about retirement that aren’t true. Falling for them can have a negative impact on your retirement strategy.

Apr 29, 2024

There are many common beliefs about retirement that aren’t true. Falling for them can have a negative impact on your retirement strategy. Let’s look at five common retirement myths:  Myth One:...

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Leap Into Retirement Planning

As we celebrate Leap Year, let it serve as a valuable reminder to leap into action when it comes to retirement planning.

Feb 28, 2024

Every four years, we experience an extra day in our calendars, thanks to the phenomenon known as Leap Year. The bonus day can serve as a powerful reminder to take a...

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Retirement Through the Years

My great aunt recently turned 103 years old.  From walking to school to watching walks on the moon, from a chicken in every pot to a smart phone in every hand, she’s certainly seen a lot!  When we look at retirement through her eyes, that has certainly changed too.

Jun 10, 2019

My great aunt recently turned 103 years old.  From walking to school to watching walks on the moon, from a chicken in every pot to a smart phone in every hand,...

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Retirement Readiness

Retirement Readiness: Preparing for Our Retirement Dream

How far out from retirement you are can have a big impact on your retirement readiness and what steps you can take to try to right the ship if you will.  While there is no one quick fix or simple solution to preparing for a successful retirement here are a few tips to help along the way.

May 14, 2019

Many of us struggle with our retirement planning.  Am I saving enough? How should I be invested? How much will I need in retirement?  Or, perhaps you fall into the camp...

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market volatility and risk tolerance

Risk Tolerance and Reaction to Past Market Volatility

In the markets, we had a negative 2018 but started off with strong January 2019 performance.  Frankly, I’m a little disappointed about the 2008 data dropping off the fact sheets. Why am I sad to see those numbers go away?  Because, I like to use them to gauge a participant’s ability to tolerate risk. 

Feb 11, 2019

Even a groundhog can’t predict the future It’s February 2019.  Most of us have probably broken or revised our New Year’s resolutions by now.  After a few brutally cold days, the...

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