Category Archives: Financial News

mortality tables

The Wait is Almost Over!

IRS proposes new mortality tables for pension funding and lump sum payments.

Mar 07, 2017

In general, for purposes of calculating the present values in single-employer defined benefit pension plans for minimum funding requirements, PBGC premium payments and minimum lump sum amounts, plan sponsors must use...

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Another Year, Another Mortality Improvement Scale

The Society of Actuaries released the 2016 mortality improvement scale and mortality tables for pension programs.

Oct 31, 2016

In October 2014, the Society of Actuaries (“SOA”) released the RP-2014 Mortality Tables and Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2014, establishing the new basis for mortality assumptions for pension programs. These new mortality...

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Clearing The Fog: A New Tool for Plan Sponsors

With new Department of Labor regulations, BPAS has created “Clearing the Fog” a new tool for plan sponsors to determine key issues related to their plan.

Aug 02, 2016

Revisiting Regulations Considering new Department of Labor fiduciary regulations taking effect in 2017, most retirement service providers are performing a comprehensive review of their business models and strategies, including their deliverables...

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Hammer piggy bank

Early Withdrawal Penalty Exceptions Series – Part 3

Educate on age-based exceptions to 10% penalty on early distributions from accounts. Permissible withdrawals and Eligible Automatic Contribution Arrangements.

Apr 26, 2016

Early Withdrawal – Permissible Withdrawals Continuing in our series on exceptions to the 10% early withdrawal penalty, we identify permissible withdrawals as another exception. The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA),...

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Five Ways to Withdraw Your Retirement Savings Early – Part 3

Educate on age-based exceptions to 10% penalty on early distributions from accounts. Permissible withdrawals and Eligible Automatic Contribution Arrangements. 

Apr 26, 2016

Use permissible withdrawal exemptions to withdraw from your retirement savings before age 59 1/2 without a 10% penalty. Continuing in our series on exceptions to the 10% early withdrawal penalty, we identify permissible...

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The Empire’s Death Star is Destroyed

The Force (of Industry Leaders) saves small-business retirement plans as IRS withdraws controversial portion of proposed nondiscrimination testing regulations.

Apr 21, 2016

The Force (of Industry Leaders) saves small-business retirement plans as IRS withdraws controversial portion of proposed nondiscrimination testing regulations. A New Hope (For Small Business Owners) In a twist of irony,...

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IRA penalty age

Five Ways to Withdraw Your Retirement Savings Early – Part 2

We educate consumers on the lesser known age based exceptions to the 10% penalty on early distributions from retirement accounts. Includes Age 59 ½, Public Sector Employees, Retirement and 1099 Reporting.

Apr 12, 2016

Use age-based exemptions to withdraw from your retirement savings before age 59 1/2 without a 10% penalty. With the second installment in our series outlining exceptions to the 10% withdrawal penalty, we...

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