A Guided Tour of the Participant Website

As an added resource to clients, BPA is pleased to roll out our Guided Tour of the Participant Website. A link to this page can be found at the login area of the participant website, or at https://www.bpas.com/GT.  The page includes 12 short video clips covering the most commonly used features of the site – including viewing account balances, making investment changes, initiating loan and distribution paperwork, conducting research through the Market Dashboard and other topics. We hope the Guided Tour will be useful for new plan participants as they enroll in the plan and as a ‘refresher course’ for existing participants. Video clips are deployed through Camtasia™ and include both audio and video.

Reserve Solutions, Inc changes name to Access Control Advantage, Inc.

ReserveSolutions, Inc., the provider of the ReservePlus Loan Program , has changed its name to Access Control Advantage, Inc. (ACA) to more effectively identify their unique purpose. Similarly, the ReservePlus Loan Program name has changed to Access Control Advantage.   They have upgraded their systems and made other important enhancements to their website, now available at www.ACAonline.com.   Please select the following link for more information.

Janus Funds – Name Changes

Effective Friday, February 27, 2009 the Janus Fundamental Equity Fund and the INTECH Risk-Managed Stock Fund will be renamed. These are fund name renames only; both CUSIP and QUOTRON information will remain the same. To view additional details, please select the following link.

Goldman Sachs Structure Small Value – Reverse Share Split

Goldman Sachs recently initiated a reverse share split on the Structure Small Cap Value Fund. While the total dollar value of participant accounts was not impacted by the split, the fund’s net asset value and the total number of shares held would have been directly impacted by the 7 to 1 ratio involved in the split. Please see the attached memo from Goldman Sachs for full details on this process by selecting the following link. BPA has made the corresponding adjustments within our recordkeeping system.

BPA is pleased to announce some significant enhancements to our Fund Research page

BPA is pleased to announce some significant enhancements to our Fund Research page within the participant and plan sponsor websites. This component of our website is offered through Newkirk Fund Central™ — licensed by BPA from Newkirk Products, Inc (NPI).

Following are some of the enhancements made to this page as of January, 2009 (per NPI):

      • Longer performance histories. Revised fund pages display performance originating from the oldest share class and re-calculated by Morningstar to reflect the expenses of each share class. The result will be longer performance histories for many funds. We’ve also added calendar-year performance for the past ten years for the fund and its benchmark.
      • Expanded fund-related fee information. The new fund pages will continue to include the gross expense ratio as required by regulations, but also will display the net expense ratio (in response to client requests), management fee, 12b-1 fee, and other expenses. Although the new fee disclosure regulations remain in flux, this information will be helpful to plan sponsors and participants in better understanding the expense structure of various funds.
      • New asset allocation and additional fund composition data. Previously, fund pages displayed one set of composition data – largest holdings, asset allocation, equity sectors, regional breakdown, or bond diversification – for each fund. The new fund pages display the asset allocation for each fund, as well as an additional set of composition data from largest holdings, equity sectors, regional breakdown, country breakdown, bond quality breakdown, bond maturity breakdown, and bond sectors.
      • Enhanced fund-characteristic information. The pages include the management style (active or passive) for all funds, as well as 30-day yields and duration for bond funds, average market cap and number of securities for stock funds, and seven-day yields for money market funds. In addition, fund pages will display the Morningstar Category, 3-Year Risk Rating, and 3-Year Performance Rating, where available.

To see the new information, please visit the participant website, select the “Fund Research” link within the Account Inquiry tab, then select the Web Link column for any fund in the table.

We hope you find these enhancements helpful as you continue to research funds and make investment decisions within your account.

Masterypoint on the Participant Website

BPAH is pleased to announce the rollout of Masterypoint – a comprehensive investment education and guidance suite within our participant website. Masterypoint serves as a replacement and upgrade of our previous education application, and is available to all plans and participants as of August 22, 2008.

To access Masterypoint, please visit the Education tab of the participant website and select the first link on the navigation bar. (The site can also be found within the education tab of the plan sponsor website). The site consists of several modules:

      • Education module – This module helps employees understand the basics of retirement investing — including such topics as average life expectancy, the effects of inflation, realities of Social Security, the benefits of pre-tax investing, tax-deferred compounding, rollovers and other topics. It also helps de-mystify the subject of investments – discussing key asset classes and their performance over time, active versus passive management, the different types of investment risk and investing for the future.
      • Building module – This module helps the participant construct a retirement income strategy through a hands-on working session. The employee is asked to complete a planning worksheet to provide various data inputs. The application will then help the employee determine whether or not they are on track in their retirement journey. This includes a recommended course of action, including the amount the participant should be saving, an appropriate timeframe for retirement and a set of sample portfolios based on the results of a risk questionnaire and other factors. This part of the application should be considered “investment guidance”.
      • Additional planning tools – Masterypoint also includes a calculator for loans outside of the retirement plan, a paycheck calculator to illustrate the effect of before-tax savings on the employee’s take home pay, a retirement plan loan calculator to determine the total cost of a retirement plan loan, and a college planning module.

This website enhancement is provided to clients at no cost. We encourage participants to take full advantage of this new program to make the most out of their retirement journey

Year To Date Deposits by Source Report

This new report in the Account Inquiry tab of the participant website allows the participant to see the total deposits that have been made to their account on a year-to-date basis, broken down for the various money sources within the plan (employee pre-tax, Roth, rollover, company matching, profit sharing, etc) . The report includes the total amount contributed year-to-date for each source, as well as the amount of the last deposit for each source and the date it traded into the account. This information can be useful as part of your overall retirement planning efforts.

Year To Date Personalized Rate of Return

This new report in the Account Inquiry tab of the participant website allows the participant to visualize the year-to-date performance of their account, updated through the present day. While the personalized rate of return calculation included in quarterly statements is more precise (and there are several basis caveats to this report), the report makes it easy to assess your year-to-date investment results as part of an overall asset allocation strategy.

New Inception-To Date Statement Report Now Available

BPAH is pleased to announce a new report in the Account Inquiry tab of the participant website. The inception to date statement now comes in two formats – one showing results by investment and a second version illustrating results by source (or money type) within the plan. These reports allow you to visualize total activity within your account since it was first placed on the BPAH system. The Inception to Date Statement (by source) report allows you to see the total contributions made to your account from each source (employee pre-tax, Roth, rollover, employer matching, profit sharing, etc) as well as the total earnings that have accumulated in each source since inception. This can be a helpful way to visualize the overall progress being made within your account over time.

In addition, we have made some changes to make the Activity History report easier to use, and extended the date range for this report.

We hope these changes are helpful as you use the participant website.

AIM Fund CUSIP Changes and Fund Name Changes.

AIM Fund CUSIP Changes and Fund Name Changes.

AIM has announced cusip and fund name changes , that will take effect on April 30, 2008 and May 1, 2008 as outlined here. Select the links below for details.

      • Effective April 30, 2008 AIM Dynamics Fund and AIM Summit Fund will have new CUSIP numbers.
      • Effective April 30, 2008 AIM Total Return Bond Fund and AIM Intermediate Government Fund will have new names.  The CUSIPs will remain the same
      • Effective May 1, 2008 AIM Global Aggressive Growth Fund will have a new name.  The CUSIP will remain the same.

If you have any questions, please contact Invesco Aim Dealer Services at 800-949-4246.