BPAS is pleased to unveil a significant upgrade to the fund research library within our participant, plan sponsor and financial intermediary websites. Please see this announcement for full details.
BPAS is pleased to launch a new education library
Effective today, BPAS is pleased to launch a new education library for plans that include employee pre-tax contributions (401(k), 403(b), 1165(e), 457, etc). This new library includes three multimedia presentations delivered through Brainshark . This includes a generic enrollment meeting presentation (Roadways to Retirement), a presentation for ongoing considerations ( A Pause Along Your Journey), and our quarterly market update. These presentations can be found in the first section of the Resource Center in the new participant and plan sponsor websites, and also at www.bpas.com/gt.
Please look for additional education content posted to this site in the coming weeks.
New times for afternoon cutoff and website refresh
BPAS is pleased to announce that we have moved the time for our daily website refresh. Previously, our website refresh took place at approximately 5:00 AM EST; this process will now begin at approximately 1:00 AM EST. In addition, starting on April 27th, we will move our afternoon cutoff time from 3:45 PM EST to 4:00 PM EST (the time of market close). We hope these changes provide additional value to our plan sponsor and participant clients.
Year end capital gains – an important note
The year end capital gain process is underway once again. Since participants often ask questions when they see share prices fluctuate associated with capital gain distributions, please see this memo for full details on the process.
BPAS announces major website upgrade
For more details regarding this announcement, please select the following link.
Change in the management of the SMART Funds®
Hand Benefits & Trust Company is pleased to announce, effective May 1, 2010, a change in the management of the SMART Funds® series of collective investment funds. For more details regarding this announcement, please select the following link.
BPAS announces later cutoff time
This product announcement provides details on our new cutoff time for web and voice response transactions, and coming enhancements regarding Straight-Through-Processing. To read the announcement, please click here.
Federated announces revised date for fund reorganization
Federated has communicated a date change for the reorganization of the Federated International Equity Fund into the Federated International Leaders Fund. Please select the following link to read additional information including revised dates and trading parameters.
Economic & Market Review presentation now available
As an additional resource to clients, BPAS is pleased to roll out the Economic & Market Review presentation within our plan sponsor and participant websites. Hosted by Lou Iovannone of BPAS Philadelphia, this presentation provides an update on recent economic trends and conditions in the investment markets. The presentation is deployed using streaming video technology provided by Brainshark. We hope the presentation will be useful providing additional perspective on the investment markets so participants can make informed investment decisions.
To view the presentation, please click the following link – Economic & Market Review presentation. This link will also appear within the Education Tab of the plan sponsor and participant websites.
Important Fund Merger Information
Notice to participants: An unusually large number of fund mergers have been announced for Q3, 2009; BPAS will be processing these changes automatically in coordination with the mutual fund families. To see the full list of fund mergers, please select one of the following links. More information on the specific changes can be found at fund family websites. Please note, Franklin Templeton funds are undergoing a name change only.