Notice is attached regarding the soft close of the Dodge & Cox Int’l Stock fund. More information
The attached bulletin announces that Columbia Management will rebrand its business as Columbia Threadneedle Investments in the first half of 2015. The new global brand will represent the combined capabilities, resources and reach of Columbia Management and U.K.-based Threadneedle Investments, offering clients access to the best of both firms. More information
Franklin Templeton
Franklin Small Cap Growth Fund Closing to New Investors. More information
Year end capital gains – an important note !
The year end capital gain process is underway once again. Since participants often ask questions when they see share prices fluctuate coincident with capital gain distributions, BPAS has prepared this memo to better explain the process.
Special Notice on Vanguard Funds
As of October, 2014, Vanguard Funds is making changes to its share class structure, converting many investors to Admiral shares. An updated 404a5 notice has been prepared for all applicable clients regarding this transition. To see this notice, please visit the participant or sponsor website resource center.
BPAS announces Go Green Email Campaign
To benefit plan sponsors and participants, BPAS pleased to announce our Go Green email campaign. For information on program rules and important caveats, please click here.
Year end capital gains – an important note !
The year end capital gain process is underway once again. Since participants often ask questions when they see share prices fluctuate coincident with capital gain distributions, BPAS has prepared this memo to better explain the process.
BPAS invites participants to Go Green !
In response to client requests, BPAS is pleased to announce our Go Green initiative. Over the next two weeks, we will roll out a new feature in the participant website which allows participants to opt out of mailed quarterly statements in favor of electronic delivery. Participants who select this option will no longer receive printed quarterly statements in the mail, but will receive an email notification when a new quarterly statement has been posted to their quarterly statement archive (found in the Resource Center of the participant website). Additional details on this feature will be found in the participant website when the feature is activated in each retirement plan. Note: This feature will also be helpful as we work to expand electronic communication of certain required notices in the future.
BPAS enhances pie chart functionality in participant website
BPAS is pleased to announce several enhancements to the pie chart functionality within our participant website. This announcement provides details.
Introducing the Participant Feedback Center
BPAS is pleased to roll out the Participant Feedback Center within the Resource Center of our participant website. This online survey allows participants to provide feedback on any element of our product, including interactions with our Call Center, the participant website and more. To view the Participant Feedback Center, please log onto the participant website, select the Resource Center, then see the first link under “Surveys”. This link also appears in the Resource Center of the plan sponsor website.