Year end capital gains – an important note !

The year end capital gain process is underway once again. Since participants often ask questions when they see share prices fluctuate coincident with capital gain distributions, BPAS  has prepared this memo to better explain the process.


The Boards of Trustees have approved proposed fund mergers for the prime, municipal and government money market funds below pending submission of proxy materials or Information Statements to shareholders, as applicable per fund. Fund mergers scheduled to occur on or about 12/11/2015.  More information.

BPAS Retire – Mobile App For iOS and Android

BPAS is pleased to unveil version 1.0 of our mobile app for both Android and iPhone devices. The mobile app complements the features of the participant website (which is also fully accessible via mobile device) for inquiries and account-level information. Please see this link for instructions.


Artisan International Fund closing announcement (effective after the close of business on January 29, 2016).   More information

American Funds

American Funds will be introducing a new retirement plan share class for fee-based advisors effective November 20.  More Information


AllianzGI Class D shares will change to Class A shares. Attached you will find the list of AllianzGI funds and highlighted yellow are the ones BPAS are trading.  More information


Effective Monday, November 2, 2015 the Aberdeen US Equity fund will change it’s name to Aberdeen US Multi-Cap Equity fund.  More information