Financial Organization

Aug 07, 2017

When I first started driving, I didn’t have a GPS to help guide me. Instead, I had my dad. When I would get lost (which was way more than I’d like to admit), I called home. The first thing dad would ask me is “where are you right now?” Because he couldn’t guide me to the final route if he didn’t know my current location.

Our financial road tends to follow a similar path – It’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’re currently at. With that in mind, we created a document to assist you in organizing your current finances. Seeing where you are currently can aid you in determining if you’re on the right road or if you need to reroute your journey.

Take a few minutes to review and complete the document. While it may seem daunting at first, if you complete it in bite-size pieces, it won’t take much time at all. And it will help you pinpoint your current location. Use it to start a discussion with your spouse or partner, as well as your financial advisor, to make sure you’re all following the same path to your retirement goals.

You can find the Financial Organization Document under the Other Planning Tools section of our Participant Education Center or by clicking here.