All posts by: William Nusblat

Disclosure & Reasonableness of Actuarial Assumptions

Disclosure & Reasonableness of Actuarial Assumptions in DB and CB Plans

Actuarial equivalent means that the present value of the total amounts expected to be received under two different forms of payment are equal, based on mortality and interest assumptions specified under the pension plan.a plan is permitted to use alternative actuarial assumptions as long as they are reasonable.

Feb 19, 2019

A number of class-action lawsuits are currently testing actuarial equivalents in pension plans. This important issue may be resolved in the circuit courts or go all the way up to the...

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Penalty Relief Program for Late Filing of Form 5500-EZ

Form 5500-EZ returns are used only by plan administrators and plan sponsors of retirement plans that are not subject to the reporting requirements of Title I of ERISA and hence are used to satisfy only the reporting requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.

Jun 16, 2015

Form 5500-EZ returns are used only by plan administrators and plan sponsors of retirement plans that are not subject to the reporting requirements of Title I of ERISA and hence are...

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