2019 BPAS Partner Conference

In the Spotlight With Nancy Melcher

As President and CEO (Chief Engagement Officer) of MOR Strategy Partners, Nancy brings invaluable experience and outside-of-the-box thinking about the art and science of optimizing engagement with employer and employee audiences alike.

May 20, 2019

With the 6th Annual BPAS Partner Conference just around the corner, we’re shining the spotlight on one of our new speakers—Nancy Melcher. As President and CEO (Chief Engagement Officer) of MOR...

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Retirement Readiness

Retirement Readiness: Preparing for Our Retirement Dream

How far out from retirement you are can have a big impact on your retirement readiness and what steps you can take to try to right the ship if you will.  While there is no one quick fix or simple solution to preparing for a successful retirement here are a few tips to help along the way.

May 14, 2019

Many of us struggle with our retirement planning.  Am I saving enough? How should I be invested? How much will I need in retirement?  Or, perhaps you fall into the camp...

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Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) – Not Just For the Large Plan Market!

Use of Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) continues to come down market as even small and mid-sized 401(k) plan sponsors are now demanding access to the vehicle as a lower cost alternative to a mutual fund.

Mar 07, 2019

Use of Collective Investment Trusts (CITs) continues to come down market as even small and mid-sized 401(k) plan sponsors are now demanding access to the vehicle as a lower cost alternative...

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Chris Hewitt

Hewitt Joins HB&T CIF Sales

Hand Benefits & Trust (HB&T), a BPAS company, is pleased to announce the addition of Chris Hewitt as its Sales Consultant, Institutional Trust.  HB&T is a leading national provider of employee benefit trust services.

Jan 24, 2019

Houston, TX, January 23, 2019 — Hand Benefits & Trust (HB&T), a BPAS company, is pleased to announce the addition of Chris Hewitt as its Sales Consultant, Institutional Trust.  HB&T is a leading national provider...

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IRS Papers

Annual QTA Review to Ensure Compliance

It's important to perform annual reviews of your Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit plan to ensure compliance. New tax rules regarding employer-provided parking went into effect in 2018. For-profit employers are no longer able to take a deduction for these benefits and non-profits are deemed to have UBTI.

Jan 09, 2019

As  we kick off the new year, it’s important to perform an annual review of your Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit plan to ensure its compliance with applicable law. Changes to employer-provided parking rules New...

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